Thursday, July 14, 2011

N8 and Kylea going nose to nose

Nate says: "When you are older, you will ignore the boys."

K thinks: "I'm going to eat your nose!"

B3 says it's just an Eskimo kiss.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hey, something bike related!

You would think that with a blog "Julie Bike" there might be something bike related at least once in a while.

Your wait has ended!

[Warning: when I told my co-worker, Melissa, about this, I thought she was going to pee her pants.]

Last Thursday I biked to work. There's a whole routine I have to go through the night before so I can just roll out of bed, brush my teeth, pull on the bike clothes, maybe load a couple of last minute items, and hit the road. That evening routine includes:
-Check the tire presssure
-Layout the bike clothes
-Figure out what I'm wearing the next day (unless I've previously dropped stuff off at work)
-Figure out what I'm eating the next day (pack what I can in the bike bags; put fridge stuff in one place to grab in the morning)

I've always worried that I'll end up at work without proper undergarments, then have to wear a sweaty sports bra all day. Yuck. So undergarments always go in the bike bag the night before, too.

Check, check, check, check. All good Wednesday night. And a good ride Thursday morning, a bit of a tail wind, so I am at the office 6:00 am, ready to shower. In my office, pulling the supplies out of my drawer (towel, shampoo, etc.). From the bike bag, undergarments and,


Uh-oh. No work clothes. I picture my pinstripe blazer and skirt, with the red top, hanging outwards on a hanger in the closet. Still hanging there. So I have to call my hero, Mike to bring in my clothes. Of course it will be a few minutes, because he has to get dressed. Fine, fine, half an hour is good because I can go ahead and jump in the shower; I have a fresh bike top I can put on until he calls that he is at the back door.

Epilogue: when we went to the Farmer's Market today, I took THREE sets of clothes into the office!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Parkinson's Disease

Here is a link to an NPR story on Parkinson's, from a son's perspective.

I thought it did a good job of explaining how Parkinson's Disease (PD) is about so much more than tremors.