Monday, August 24, 2015

Sunday, August 30: Cast off

No, "cast off" does not mean we're going sailing.  Come to think of it, right about a year ago we did head out on a cruise to Alaska!

Mike got his cast off several days ago, so he's a happy sailor-man.

Then he visited the dermatologist's office, with a couple of biopsies and then a lot of freezing of bad spots (normal for him).  Not so happy.

Now we're just waiting until Wednesday to see the oncologist.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August 4: latest CT scan

Mike's CT scan (July 30) showed two lumps near the trachea "resolved," meaning they are gone.  Lumps near the pancreas head and in the abdomen, however, are unchanged.  Yuck. Ptooie.

Chemo was today, another tomorrow, and Mike will see the doctor in a month.