The Ben-bicycle story is from 2006, my first Livestrong ride. I got Ben signed up too. The starting point was Delta Park/Portland Meadows, riding out Marine Drive to Troutdale, up to Mt Hood Community College (technically in Gresham?), and back.
When it was finally time for us 40-milers to leave, Ben darted out with a yell, "I'm gonna beat you, Mom!"
Just before the halfway mark, one of his pedals came off the crank arm. The support team didn't have a replacement or a way to makeshift something, so Ben got vanned back to Portland Meadows.
Funny his breakdown occured right before the big hill, rising from the Sandy River up to MHCC.
Legacy of Federal Control
3 years ago
The rest of the story: As Ben, in the van, passed his Mom, he yelled out the window "Go get 'em Mom". Mom/Grandma