Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bill, Wednesday August 14

The kidney numbers are still high, but have gone down from yesterday. The doctor here was extremely happy. They had stopped a protein supplement, and increased water, which seems to be the trick for now.  Otherwise, and I had not shared this with ya'll, they were going to have him whisked off to emergency. 

BUT he started getting a rash this morning, so two antibiotics were stopped. They are presuming it is a reaction to Sipro (isn't that the one they use for Anthrax victims?). A different anti-b (or abx I'm told) has been started, one in the penicillin family, not a problem for him. And cortisone cream for the itch.

Oh, they got him into some of his real clothes: a Grateful Dead t-shirt ("Terrapin Station") and a pair of shorts. He looks so darn normal. He had all his therapies today, and tomorrow should be the same. But the speech gal didn't give him any applesauce, so he was disappointed. There wasn't a problem, she was just a bit rushed today and worked on other things. Who knew it's work to learn to hold your breath again? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie,
    Is it cool to come visit? Love and support can do a world of good. Thank you for keeping us all up to date on the progress.

    Peace and Love,
