Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Bill April 2: Doing SO great

Bill has lost a lot of weight since pre-stroke. Without mentioning pounds, I can tell you he is down 30%.  So after therapy it was a trip to the mall (yuck) to buy pants that will stay up (hooray).

Physical therapy today was great.  We told Jeff that Bill recently conquered standing from a chair without help. So Jeff had some challenges.  Stand from the therapy table with his right hand on his right knee. And down, sitting not plopping. Now stand with the right hand on the left knee. And a controlled sit.  Now with the right foot slightly forward of the left foot (making the left leg do more work),  and oh my, Jeff finally found a challenge for Bill.

Now let's practice on the walking, specifically stepping through with the right foot. And let's practice on the stairs. Jeff worked him!

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