Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bill: Christmas week, Botox follow-up, OT, car travel

Botox follow-up: The botox injections in the left arm have helped some, especially with the elbow and some with the thumb. He is scheduled to have another round in March.  Oh, and for this appointment at Good Samaritan clinics, I picked up Bill and Ayn in my car (fondly known as "GAAK"). First car trip in a very long time.

Occupational therapy: Anne-Marie did progress charting on his left arm. The range for the elbow was remarkable, but she is concerned about how tight his shoulder is, so she will send a note regarding botox, asking for some concentration on that joint.  Well, it's not the joint itself of course, but the supporting muscles/tendons.

On Christmas day, I again picked up Bill and his family for the trip to Grandma's.  I'm so glad they were able to go, after missing Thanksgiving. After wheeling him to the front of the house, he was able to navigate a small step up -- yes, first time for a step -- and a challenging threshold. He played a rowdy game of "Cards Against Humanity" with his sister. His uncle "JR" last saw him in late August, so a remarkable change in four months. And his aunt Joan was impressed with Bill's strong voice.

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