Monday, December 9, 2013

Bill: Mon. Dec. 9: five months; tram ride

Yesterday was five months.

Today Bill had another appointment with nephrology/hypertension.  Here's a picture of the trip to the appointment.
(No, there's not a pom-pom on his hat. We had the scarf wrapped around and over his ears, trying to keep warm in the b-i-t-t-e-r cold.)  I think the literature says the tram climbs 3,900 feet from the waterfront to the hospital landing up the hill.

The doc was pleased with the blood pressure (and she really liked the on-line documentation Ayn kept -- she just showed her on the phone). No changes for now.  We asked about the possibility of the genetic testing, because their clinic, two months ago, was checking on whether insurance would cover the test. Oops, someone dropped the ball, but it was after the okey-dokey came in, where the outside lab didn't follow-through on the approval.

Tomorrow Bill has speech and PT. They will drop off the refill orders -- oh, the short version of a side story on the downtown Safeway pharmacy is "avoid them; they treated Ayn horribly."

Wednesday is a first appointment with the neuro-eye doc. More PT Thursday.

On another note: thanks to everyone who helped think happy thoughts for Bill's grandma's surgery today. She doesn't want details published for those who don't already know, but it went well, no surprises, she will go home in three to five days.  And a HUGE thanks to my Aunt Char (and Uncle Tom) who will stay with her for a few days.

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