Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bill, Oct. 26-28: dopey, more standing, discharge expected 11/14

preparing for takeoff

In spite of these nice pictures, it was a bit rough over the weekend and Monday. One of two meds Bill was started on last week seemed to really knock him out, zombied, more slurred speech. The docs agreed to back way off (from 15mg to 5mg) and that seems to have helped. Ayn and I were becoming concerned that it was his first real setback, keeping therapy from moving forward. But much better now.

Discharge is planned for November 14. 
From the date of The Event, that is 129 days.

Asking for your input: PT mentioned for the first time they may try out a power chair. We had been told previously that once someone goes that route, it often slows (or stops) progress towards walking. Ayn and I are thinking it's fine to use a manual chair as needed, and we would keep working with him (thru therapies and at home) on standing and walking.  Seriously, anybody with thoughts, especially if you have had anyone in this situation?

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