Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bill, Tues. Oct. 22

We had the first family conference -- prelim estimate on discharge is three to four weeks.

OT is concentrating on ADL (activities of daily living) and keeping his left arm/wrist/fingers loose.

They are working to get a brace or ortho boot for his left ankle. It needs to be protected because he could still twist it without realizing any pain.

I don't remember exactly what speech said, sorry! Good cognitive, good short term memory, maybe some work to do on attention, but they are impressed at his functioning.

The group included Kerry, who is the coordinator from OHSU (I think rehab navigator was her title).

They asked if we can get picture and measurements of the bathrooms in the new apartment -- for planning. It's too early to know if there will be equipment needs, but in the meantime they can work with him in his current capabilities.  I hope the building can give me schematics so I don't have to measure.

Tomorrow I will be there early, so I'm hoping for pics and/or video!

Oh, we realized today was the first Tuesday in a LONG time that they haven't been driven crazy by The Leaf Blower. Right outside their window, and the fumes would seep in, yuck.

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