Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bill, Mon. Nov. 4: Crane, debate, tribute

CRANE: look quick, short video. Or just watch it again. After walking 43 feet with a cane, and doing great work on controlling the left foot to point forward, then resting and doing it again ... He stood at the bar and did a "Karate Kid," standing on his so-called bad leg. This was his first attempt. I didn't capture his second try, because I was fascinated with how long he held it - a full minute. (hmm, can I do that?)

DEBATE: in speech therapy, one of his exercises was to put a list of 6 task steps in the correct order. For changing a flat tire, he had quite a debate with her on whether he HAD to take the spare out of the trunk before he had jacked up the car and removed the flat. For making a tuna sandwich, Bill put "4" next to "Add spices," but he editorialized the step as "debatable."

TRIBUTE: Bill's sister will be self-publishing a novel this week. She posted on Facebook yesterday: "Back on track. I've been hoping the ebook of my novel will be available by this Friday (11/8) because I wanted to release it on my brother's birthday. A little tribute to him, if you will. And despite some recent hiccups, it looks like we'll be able to hit that deadline. Hooray!!"

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