Monday, November 4, 2013

Bill, Sun. Nov. 3: walk, streetcar

Once again, I am having problems loading a video. So imagine yesterday's video, but instead of holding the hallway rail, Bill is using a "quad-foot" cane on his right side. And smiling/waving to the camera.

In OT, Bill did a couple of interesting activities. One was "Dynavision," a board about 4' x 4' with a starburst of 1/2" push buttons. Just one of the buttons lights up at a time, and Bill has to find it and push to turn it off. Then a new one, and so on. The goal is to minimize the time to find it, and trains him to look to all edges of the board, especially to his left and down.

Another activity was the computer.  He and Ayn have used their laptops, iPads, mini, and cell phones a bit. But in OT he got to roll up to a desktop with a standard monitor and keyboard. Typing is a bit difficult one-handed, so they are going to coordinate with Speech on trying DragonTalk. 

In the afternoon, we went on Portland's Streetcar. That was a fun outing for Bill. I'm not a great fan of the streetcars because they are so darn slow, but that was a good aspect for our trip. It went by their old apartment, and close enough to the new apartment (we could see the slope from a streetcar stop was navigable to the new place). We did the whole loop, covering both ends: south waterfront to Nob Hill (NW Portland, 23rd and Marshall).

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