Friday, November 8, 2013

Bill's birthday, November 8: by the numbers

Today, Bill turns 36.

Four months ago today, he had a hemorrhagic stroke.

35 years ago, he was toddling. Kind of true today again, and we're glad to see it!

22 years ago tomorrow, he had his first glider solo.  Yes, they tried for his birthday, but the weather did not allow it.  But this being Oregon, he was lucky he didn't have to wait for Spring.

Other news that's not by-the-numbers:

Thursday he practiced transferring from the wheelchair to a car. PT really wants to make sure we understand the process, because Bill is at risk for falls until he has done it quite a few times. Shifting weight, pivoting, finding hand-holds -- those are steps we all take for granted as automatic. When the brain says, "Let's go jump in the car," and the muscles say, "Huh? What, me jump?" you've got to slow it down.

Thursday was also more planning for equipment: what do we have, what will the hospital order, what do we need to go buy.  Plans are in place!

Bill will be home next Thursday.

Post-note: Bill's sister published her first book today. If you're interested, see her webpage.


  1. Wishing Bill a very Happy Birthday!!! Great to follow his progress and we're looking forward to visiting once he and Ayn are settled in their home. Yeah!!!! for going home next week!
    Big hugs from Jennifer and Tad

  2. Yay going home and a happy belated birthday.
