Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bill, Tues. Nov. 5: walk/fall, discharge planning

Ayn reports Bill had "a good walk this morning, but an unplanned yet gentle trip to the floor. He's fine, just a little frustrated. His left knee just buckled. They think it might be tired from yesterday. More walking this afternoon."

I might not have mentioned every Tuesday is family conference for discharge planning. Now that it's just nine days away, there seems to be so much to do.  And Bill is making so much progress every day, which is super, but it means our ideas on what equipment might be needed at home is quite the moving target!

On Thursday, we will use some afternoon time to get trained on transferring from the wheelchair to my car.  If that works out. I know it would be easier if we still had our minivan -- slider doors get out of the way so nicely. On Sunday, Bill will have a pass to go home, including borrowing equipment to see what will work. He can leave the hospital any time after noon, and will be back by 8:00.  Oh, and Ayn has ordered a blood pressure cuff so hopefully it will come soon and we can have the staff test/calibrate it.

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